Athol Meetings & Events.
Bro. Carol Cernea & Family.
Brother Carol Cernea with his wife Irina and baby Victor on holiday in his native country. Romania, all wearing traditional Romanian dress.
On a golden evening near Bucharest, our family gathered to celebrate Victor’s (our baby) first anniversary.
We dressed in traditional Romanian attire, my wife Irina and I stood proudly with our son who was adorned in our traditional folk clothing. Our smiles reflect not just joy, but the deep connection of our heritage.
In this photo are 3 generations of Romanian culture, blending past and present in a tapestry of family love.

White Ensign Ladies Night ~ Saturday 12th October 2024
Dear All,
Attached is a ‘Heads Up’ for our forthcoming Ladies Night at Kings Court Hotel Alcester on Saturday 12 October 2024 and full information will be forwarded soon by our Mess Manager, Glyn Cardy.
Following on from a superb night at Kings Court last year we have rebooked there where we will enjoy first-class food and service, together with discounted hotel rooms and breakfast.
This year, the cabaret is one of the country’s well-known names and is making a special appearance in the Midlands.
Put the event in your diaries and invite your families and guests for what promises to be a great night.

Athol Masonic season ends for 2023 - 2024
The masonic year has come to an end for Athol Lodge. With it, we are proud to have had more brothers join, each of whom have completed their initiations with pride.
The lodge looks forward to the forthcoming masonic season starting in October 2024 with plenty more ceremonies lined up.
Congratulations Sir on this fantastic achievement and thank you for your loyal service to Freemasonry.
Athol Lodge #74 of Birmingham UK, congratulates His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, on the 60th anniversary of his being made a Freemason!
Athol Lodge No 74 have now been awarded membership of prestigious Association of Medical and Legal Universities.
Christmas Lunch 2023.
Members of Athol Lodge at the 2023 Christmas Lunch hosted by White Ensign Lodge No 9169.
The lunch was attended by over 80 members and just under £1000 was raised for charity & good causes.

English Heritage Open Day - Athol Masonic Buildings.
Sunday 17th September 2023.
60 Severn Street,
West Midlands,
B1 1QG
- Ever wanted to find out what Freemasons do?
- Who they are?
- What do they believe in?
- There are many myths associated with freemasonry, so come along and find out the truth.
Severn Street Masonic Hall is a Grade 2 Listed historic building situated in the heart of Birmingham City centre and has been described as a “Hidden Gem of architectural and cultural significance”.
Severn Street Masonic Hall is a Grade II listed building that is a very important part of the architectural heritage of the city of Birmingham. Severn Street was originally in an area called the Froggery, a poorly drained, marshy area that had been part of Birmingham from Medieval times.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was a poor, slum area populated by thieves, crooks and prostitutes living in tenement blocks. The peaky blinders were also based nearby in Small Heath in the late 19th century.
On 29th November 1858, Athol Lodge bought the Severn Street Synagogue and opened it as its Masonic Hall and permanent meeting place. The Dining Room and ante-rooms were added by Henry Nadan between 1871 and 1874 and built by a local builder called Moffat.
The Masons were careful to preserve the historical tradition of the building by adding ‘Maginei David’, Hebrew for Stars of David, affixed to the top of each of the pillars. There are five-sided Masonic stars on the
two ornate fireplaces (five-sided to refer to the five points of fellowship) and magnificent gilt over mantle mirrors. These allow the whole interior to refer to the two original functions – Synagogue and Masonic Hall.
After every meeting Masons use this Dining Room to hold a meal or ‘festive board’.
Freemasonry is not a secret society but it is a society with secrets.
Visitors will have a guided tour of the buildings by members of Athol Masonic Lodge No. 74, which is one of the oldest masonic lodges in the country.
Event Times & Booking Details
Sunday 17 September: 10:00 – 16:00
Pre-booking: Essential
Booking Contact: Les leek
Booking open 1st May 2023
Booking closes: 17 September 2023 17:00
There is limited wheelchair access on site but must be notified beforehand in order that we can make the necessary arrangements.
Additional Information:
Max 12 people per tour/session. 30 minutes with Q & A session afterwards.
It is important that visitors visit our website beforehand to give them an idea of who we are, what we do, and what we believe in.
We all answer any questions about freemasonry during and at the end of your tour The guides are volunteers who are members of Athol Masonic Lodge.
Contact for the day: L G Leek. –
Severn Street Masonic Hall is adjacent to the famous ”The Mailbox” which is a city centre retail, restaurant and hotel complex in the city centre of Birmingham, approximately 400 metres from Birmingham.
New Street Station. Parking is available under “The Mailbox ” and the Mailbox itself is available for eating, drinking and relaxing throughout the day.

The Sound Of Music
No, not the Von Trapp Family but the Biddell Family!!
John Biddell February in Beauty and the Beast-February 2023
W.Bro. John Biddell, his wife Teresa, and their 10-year-old daughter Skye are leading lights of the Sutton Coldfield-based ‘Clock’ Musical Theatre Company.
In addition to being one of the most popular Past Masters of Athol Lodge, No.74 where he sings The Worshipful Masters song together with other songs at the festive board with W.Bro. Andy Atton, John has been a member of The Clock Musical Theatre for many years where he has played and sung many famous songs at Sutton Coldfield’s premier theatre company.
John’s wife Theresa produces many of the musicals, and this year for the first time, their ten-year-old daughter, Skye appeared on stage with her father in the musical, Beauty and the Beast, where John played the part of Madame Fifi, the Dame.
With his perfect pitch and beautiful singing voice, John could have quickly become a professional singer but instead became the owner of one of Birmingham’s leading interior furnishing companies.
John said, “I really enjoy singing, with my family, and many friends, and with my passion for Freemasonry at Athol Lodge, I like to feel that in this day and age, I can bring a great deal of much-needed happiness and pleasure to the community”.

Joshua Mangwiro joined Athol Lodge No.74 in March 2023
under the UGLE Universities Scheme.
Our newly made Brother under the UGLE Universities Scheme, Joshua Mangwiro joined Athol Lodge No.74 in March 2023 and is studying for a BSc in Nursing at the Edgbaston Campus of Birmingham City University.
He is passionate about the NHS and when he completes his degree in Nursing, it is his ambition to study as a Doctor and remain here in Birmingham to repay all the kindness and belief his NHS colleagues have shown in him.
Originally from Zimbabwe, 20-year-old Joshua is self-funded by his parents for his degree course and in addition to his full-time studying and hospital placements, he works three twelve-hour night shifts at weekends inside at a Birmingham Courier company to pay his living expenses.
His education in Zimbabwe saw him gain several ‘A’ stars at GCSE and ‘A ‘levels and he has also studied German and French languages at which he is fluent. If that was not enough he has also won regional and National public speaking competitions.
On the rare occasions when he is not studying or working, Joshua, a devout Christian, is happy to volunteer for Birmingham charities.
His other passions are Formula 1 Racing and when he has a spare and rare Sunday he uses his Student Rail Card to travel throughout the country to seek out and photograph unusual Masonic buildings as the Athol Lodge roving reporter.
Joshua has impressed all his Athol brethren with his determination to succeed and is hugely popular with all his Athol brothers with his irrepressible smile and sense of humour.
To begin his masonic studies Joshua has been taken under the wing of the Athol Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Nigel Bister, PPrAGM, the Senior Past Master of Athol Lodge whom he sat next to in the temple and the festive board.
W.Bro. Les Leek. Joshua’s proposer as Lodge Membership Officer said, “Joshua is an incredible and determined young man who works 36 hours a week at weekend nights to finance his degree course. He sees freemasonry as his opportunity to practice his Christian charitable beliefs, study the liberal arts and make a contribution to Athol Lodge and freemasonry in general. Joshua is a good example of why the UGLE Universities Scheme was introduced and I know he will, in the years to come, make us all very proud of him”.
A Family Affair as the Winchester Family Celebrates 70 years of History at Athol Lodge #74 with Presentations.
Starting off in the late 1940’s Bro. Tom Winchester joined Athol Lodge and later progressed through to The Chair, followed by his son, W.Bro. Keith Winchester, one of Athol’s legendary members.
W.Bro Keith’s daughter, Alison, married, W.Bro. John Breslin who is still a subscribing Past Master of Athol Lodge.
In a surprise visit to Athol Lodge on Wednesday 1st March 2023 Bro. Dan Breslin, the fourth generation of the Winchester family from St. Philip’s Lodge No. 7116 meeting at Tapton Hall, Sheffield visited Athol Lodge and presented the lodge with the Past Master’s Jewell of W.Bro. Keith Winchester together with an antique drinks’ cabinet from the Winchester family.
W.Bro. Brian Hill, Master of Athol Lodge thanked Bro Dan on behalf of the lodge for his generosity and invited him to visit Athol Lodge at any time in the future and suggested he may like to keep up the tradition of the Winchester family by joining us at Athol as a Joining Member

Damaged Priceless Artefact owned by Birmingham Freemasons restored by International Experts.
A centuries old framed parchment owned by Athol Lodge in Severn Street Birmingham was found to have suffered extensive damp damage after being hung on the wall of the building over 100 years ago and it was feared that it was so badly damaged that it was irreparable.
Several art institutions throughout the country were approached but could not assist, but one Midlands-based company, Drakon Heritage and Conservation a highly experienced conservation company agreed to examine the parchment in the first instance, and have expertly restored the parchment to its original glory.
Drakon Heritage and Conservation is a partnership which provides conservation, archaeology and project management services to museums, heritage organisations, places of worship, private individuals and development funded projects worldwide.
Pieta Greaves ACR, MSc, one of the Senior Conservators at Drakon, personally visited Athol Lodge to examine the parchment in detail and considered that with their expert knowledge and expertise it could be repaired and conserved. The parchment was
delivered to Drakon’s city centre laboratory for further examination.
Lizzie Miller ACR, MA, another senior member of Drakon then began the painstaking and detailed work on the parchment over a period of six weeks before returning it to the lodge buildings, completely restored to its former glory.
Les Leek, a Past Master of Athol Lodge who co-ordinated the project with Drakon said, “With the considerable damage to the parchment, mounting and frame, we did not believe for a moment that it was possible that it could be repaired and restored, but thanks Pieta Greaves and Lizzie Miller, with their expertise they have pulled off the impossible. We are indebted to them”

Visit The Royal Yacht Britannia in Edinburgh.
A twenty two strong group of Freemasons, partners, and guests from Athol Lodge visited Edinburgh on the weekend of 9/10/11th September 2022 for an exclusive dinner on Saturday 10th September in the State Dining Room on board the Royal Yacht Britannia which is moored in Leith Harbour. The event, booked a year before was to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
They were joined by further groups of freemasons partners and guests from three other lodges, all of which have special associations with Athol Lodge. They are Saint Patricks Lodge No.295, the Founders of Athol Lodge in 1811, Knights of Malta Lodge No.50 from Hinckley in Leicestershire and White Ensign Lodge No. 9169 from Worcestershire.
All guests received individual invitations from the Royal Yacht, and an individual brochure detailing the menu, the evening programme, toast list, the connections between the four lodges, together with the history of each lodge.

In total freemasons from 30 lodges were represented from all across the United Kingdom, Holland and Australia and W.Bro Gordon Hewitt from General John J Pershing Lodge in Maastricht, our twinned lodge in Holland, flew in to join us with his wife Debbie.
All the guests received a ‘Red Carpet’ welcome, and a Piper was on hand to welcome us.
Following canapes and champagne, the group were given and exclusive tour of the yacht and then entered the State Dining Room for dinner.

Her Majesty the Queen had passed away three days before the dinner, and it was touch and go whether the event was going ahead, but the trustees of the Royal Yacht gave special dispensation for the dinner to proceed.
Whilst is was tinged with great sadness with the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, the Chaplain asked for a two minute silence before the dinner began, and gave a touching eulogy to Her Majesty.
Twelve tables in the State Dining Room were adorned with flowers and candelabras and the ninety guests enjoyed a five course dinner prepared in the kitchens of the Royal Yacht .
The speeches were kept to a minimum on the night and our own W.Bro Anthony Wright delivered a superb ‘Toast to the Ladies” which was received with rapturous applause.
The dinner ended at 12 midnight and all ninety guests bid farewell to the Royal Yacht Britannia after a truly wonderful evening.

Athol Member Receives Framed Certificate from
The Provincial Grand Master of Cumbria and Westmoreland Province.

Following his initiation into Athol Lodge in 2021 Bro. Tahir Yousaf moved to Scotland in 2021 for business reasons and he found it impossible to travel back to Birmingham for the remainder of the ceremonies for progression in the lodge.
Athol Membership Officer, W.Bro. Les Leek contacted the Membership Officer of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumbria and Westmorland and received an offer from his opposite number in the Belted Will Lodge No 3189 near Carlisle, W.Bro. Derek Donaldson, who with the permission of the Worshipful Master of the lodge, W.Bro. Mike Forster agreed to carry out the two ceremonies which were carried out in April and May 2022
On Saturday 9th May with 50 members and guests at the Belted Will Lodge including the PAGM, Ian St John D’Arcy, Tahir’s third ceremony was delivered.

After the ceremony, Tahir was presented with a framed certificate from the Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland RW Bro. William Bewley, together with a third-degree apron and gloves from the lodge. ( A first in the Province)
W.Bro. Derek Donaldson presented the Worshipful Master an engraved gavel and block from Athol Lodge in appreciation of their assistance of Tahir’s progression.
W.Bro. Derek Donaldson said, “It was a wonderful evening and we were delighted to help our Brothers in Athol Lodge, and we at the Belted Will Lodge would be very pleased to further our association between our two lodges.

Visit to the National Memorial Arboretum,
Alrewas on Sunday 29th May 2022

Members of Athol Lodge and Saint Patricks Lodge, (our founders) joined members of White Ensign Lodge to make a pilgrimage to the National Memorial Arboretum to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Falklands War.
Wreaths were laid at the Masonic Memorial to remember the Freemasons who were killed in the Falklands War, followed by a service at the Millennium Chapel in Heroes Square.
The group were then guests on Mike Colton, an SAS Veteran and the founder of the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove for a guided tour of the impressive gardens spread over three acres where another wreath was laid to commemorate all of the Allied Special Forces who lost their lives in the Falklands War and other more recent conflicts.
A superb lunch was laid on for the group at the Alrewas Royal British Legion Club where the group raised £250 for the Falkland Islands Resistance Memorial, which boosted the fund to over £24,000 and handed it to Mike Colton.
We found out three days later that the Falkland Islands Government had match funded the money raised to date and the order for the memorial which will be a stainless steel model of the “Uplands Goose”, and will take pride of place in the Falklands Garden in the Allied Special Forces Grove.

The famous Athol Formal Ladies Dinner which has been the highlight of many Worshipful Masters for over 200 years is back after a two year Covid 19 break.
46 Athol brethren, their partners and guests attended a four course banquet and a superb evening to celebrate W.Bro. Stuart Kennedy’s Ladies’ Night at Severn Street on Saturday 26th March 2022.
There would have been even more guests but a number were still isolating after contracting Covid, but they did leave their ticket money in to support the evenings charity, The British Heart Foundation.
Organised by Stuart’s Social Secretary, W.Bro., Richard Mainwaring the evening was a roaring success and many comments of “Splendid Evening”, “What a smashing night-just like it used to be” and “Great Night, good to be back together”. Another comment, “Bring your earplugs” came from Andy Williams who entertained everyone with his disco!
Richard, Stuart, and the House General Manager Beneesha, spent the day dressing the room with balloons, white table cloths and of course the candelabra which everyone who attended really appreciated all the hard work.
The final total for the charity for the evening was over £1300.00 and a cheque will be going to the WM’s chosen charity for the evening.

Installation of Saint Patricks Lodge No. 295
Founders of Athol Lodge. No.74
Five members of Athol Lodge were special guests of our founders, Saint Patricks Lodge No.295 for the Installation of their new Worshipful Master in Warminster, Wiltshire on Saturday 27 November 2021.
Saint Patricks Lodge was originally formed by members of their 5/7 Dragoon Guards in Ireland, and the regiment is now The Royal Dragoon Guards who are based in Warminster and many of their retired and serving members of the regiment took part in the ceremony.
The Festive Board was held in the Warminster Golf Club where over eighty brethren including those from Athol, and our friends from White Ensign Lodge No.9169 and Knights of Malta Lodge No.50 were entertained to a very convivial dinner.
The Athol WM, W.Bro. Tony Wright presented an engraved gavel and block to Saint Patrick’s Lodge and a statue of a historic Dragoon Guard was presented to Athol Lodge.
Athol Members and members of the Royal Dragoon Guards. From Left to Right
W. Bro. Keith Green, W.Bro. Tony Wright, Bro. Steve Cahill, W.Bro. John Bates, W.Bro. Les Leek

Other Key Dates 2023
Athol Social & Fundraisers 2023
- tbc – Athol Lodge Christmas Lunch.
National Freemason & Masonic Festivals.
- waiting on latest information
The first Sikh to be Initiated in Athol Lodge since the Lodge was first Formed in 1811.
A proud moment for Athol Lodge No.74 and the candidate, Baljeet Singh Gill, and when he was initiated into the lodge on Wednesday 3rd November 2021, two hundred and ten years after the lodge was first formed.

The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Anthony Wright and his team delivered a flawless ceremony and welcomed Mr Gill into, “One of the oldest and most prestigious lodges in freemasonry in the United Kingdom”. After the ceremony, at the Festive Board, Mr. Gill said, “I was very humbled and proud to be welcomed into such a historic lodge and I will never forget the love and
camaraderie you have shown me. It was an evening I will never forget”.
Baljeet, who comes from a long line of proud Sikhs, and is known to all his friends and colleagues as “Bobby.”
He is 49 Years old, an Engineer who was born in Leamington Spa in Warwickshire, but now lives in Great Barr, Birmingham, with his wife, Kam. They have three grown-up children, all of whom have completed their university studies, and making their way in the world.
In his spare time, he is an active golfer and polo player.
Mr. Gill is well known in the UK Sikh Community for his contribution to Sikh military history. Amongst his many contributions to Sikh charities, he is also an advisor to the National Sikh War Memorial Trust which commemorates the over 123,000 Sikh soldiers killed in the last two world wars, fighting alongside the British and other allied counterparts.
The trust are at an advanced stage of erecting a statue of a Sikh soldier outside Admiralty Arch on the Pall Mall, London.
The Harris Family Climb Snowdon.
W.Bro. John Harris from Athol Lodge and also the Warwickshire Provincial Grand Almoner is raising funds with his Family for ‘Ovacome’ because we want to help women fighting Ovarian Cancer.

John, and his Family members, Beckie, Ash and Jacob are going to climb Mount Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa) on Saturday 18th September 2021 to raise funds for Ovacome, and John says “If we face our own challenge with just even half of Pat’s determination, we will smash it”.
The team have already raised over £5000 for the charity and hope to raise even more with their epic mountain climb, so please do visit their just giving page and donate.
Ovacome provide support & information to anyone affected by ovarian cancer
Charity Registration No. 1159682

The Story So Far
“As most of you know in July 2017 our world was turned upside down when our beloved Wife, Mom, Mother in Law and Nanny, Pat, was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. She is a true fighter and continues to face every challenge with determination”.
A Message from the lady herself, Pat Harris:
‘Ovacome’ campaigns to help people recognise the signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer, offering help and support for the many women who have been diagnosed with this dreadful disease. I have been living with Ovarian Cancer since 2017, I now take a maintenance tablet that’s helping me to live a full and happy life. My way of dealing with my illness is to have a strong and positive mind with many goals ahead and looking forward to tomorrow.
Please Donate to The Harris Family
Fundraising for Ovacome.

Athol Masonic Buildings Open Day
Sunday 19th September 2021
60 Severn Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B1 1QG
Severn Street Masonic Hall is a Grade 2 Listed historic building situated
in the heart of Birmingham City centre city centre and have been described
as a “Hidden Gem of architectural and cultural significance”.
Severn Street Masonic Hall is a Grade II listed building that is a very important part of the architectural heritage of the city of Birmingham. Severn Street was originally in an area called the Froggery, a poorly drained, marshy area that had been part of Birmingham from Medieval times. In the 18th and 19th century it was a poor, slum area populated by thieves, crooks and prostitutes living in tenement blocks. The peaky blinders were also based nearby in Small Heath in the late 19th century.
On 29th November 1858, Athol Lodge bought the Severn Street Synagogue and opened it as its Masonic Hall and permanent meeting place. The Dining Room and ante-rooms were added by Henry Nadan between 1871 and 1874 and built by a local builder called Moffat.
The Masons were careful to preserve the historical tradition of the building by adding ‘Maginei David’, Hebrew for Stars of David, affixed to the top of each of the pillars. There are five-sided Masonic stars on the two
ornate fireplaces (five-sided to refer to the five points of fellowship), as well as magnificent gilt overmantle mirrors. These allow the whole interior to refer to the two original functions – Synagogue and Masonic Hall. After every meeting Masons use this Dining Room to hold a meal or ‘festive board’. Freemasonry is not a secret society but it is a society with secrets.
Visitors will have a guided tour of the buildings by members of Athol Masonic Lodge No. 74 which is one of the oldest masonic lodges in the country.
Event Times & Booking Details
Sunday 19 September: 11:00 – 16:00
Pre-booking: Preferred
Booking Contact: Les leek
Booking open now
Booking closes: 17 September 2021 17:00
There is limited wheelchair access on site but must be notified beforehand in order that we van make the necessary arrangements.
COVID-19 Considerations
In view of the precarious situation with the Covid pandemic, particularly in the Birmingham area, it is an absolute condition of entry that all visitors, including children, must wear face masks when entering the building and during the tours of the buildings.
Additional Information
Max 6 people per tour/session. 30 minutes It is important that visitors visit our website beforehand to give them an idea of who we are, what we do. We all answer any questions about freemasonry during and at the end of your tour The guides are volunteers who are members of Athol Masonic Lodge. Contact for the day: L G Leek.
Severn Street Masonic Hall is adjacent to the famous ”The Mailbox” which is a city centre retail, restaurant and hotel complex in the city centre of Birmingham, approximately 400 metres from Birmingham New Street Station. Parking is available under “The Mailbox ” and the Mailbox itself is available for eating, drinking and relaxing throughout the day
Universities Scheme Challenge Walk
June 2021
Starting in June 2021 and ending at the end of September the Universities Scheme national and regional committees organised a challenge walk involving all those provinces within England.
Athol Lodge No 74 and APGM Nigel Hawkins from Warwickshire PGL received the Challenge Cup from the Coventry Team in fine style on Wednesday 11 August at Brindley Place Birmingham, and the following day, ten members of Athol Lodge, including two backup drivers Andy Atton and Bob Priest assembled at Brindley Place to commence the 18-mile walk to Wolverhampton.
Athol’s WM, Tony Wright with his wife Claire and Athol Secretary, Garry Askey with his wife Jackie led their team on a long walk along with a series of canal towpaths to Wolverhampton where they were met along the way by Provincial Grand Officers from Staffordshire and Concordia Lodge including the redoubtable ‘Paddy Dunne’ who organised a superb buffet at the masonic hall.
All sponsorship raised from the walk will be donated to the late Duke of Edinburgh’s charities

Athol Lodge No.74 Virtual Burns Night Saturday 30th January 2021
Over 20 members, partners, and guests took part in a light-hearted Burns Night, which involved toasts to Robbie Burns and a Scottish themed quiz, and lots of fun which is just another example of our Worshipful Master and his wife Claire keeping all our spirits up with yet another enjoyable social event.

Athol Lodge No.74 - Weekly Fitness Training.
Athol Lodge members and their partners took part in the first of a number of online weekly fitness training sessions at 9am on Tuesday 2 February 2021, and will continue every Tuesday morning at 9am.
The training is free of charge and led by Bro. Martin Carver, a professional fitness instructor and a former Army Senior NCO from our friends at White Ensign Lodge, the sessions last 40 minutes, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
All brethren are welcome, and for further information please contact our Secretary, W.Bro. Gary Askey.

Athol Lodge Virtual Installation Festive Board
Saturday 9 January 2021
In view of the current crisis with the Covid 19 pandemic, Athol Lodge, for the first time ever are hosting an Virtual Installation Festive Board for our members and masonic guests.
W.Bro. Anthony Wright this year’s Worshipful Master will continue in post during 2021 and will chair the meeting.
Saint Patricks Lodge No.295, the original founders of Athol Lodge in 1811 when they arrived in Birmingham as the 4/7 Dragoon Guards will be represented by the modern-day members of this lodge, the oldest travelling lodge in the world who are linked with the current Royal Dragoon Guards based in Warminster, Wiltshire.
Our friends from our twinned lodge, the General John J Pershing Lodge in Maastricht will also be attending together with our friends from White Ensign Lodge from Worcestershire, and others from Scotland and nearby provinces.
“Over 50 freemasons from as far afield as Scotland, Ireland, Canada and Holland came together to celebrate the virtual installation festive board of Athol Lodge including three military lodges from Saint Patricks Lodge.No 295, the founders of Athol Lodge, White Ensign Lodge No.9169 and General John J Pershing Lodge from Maastricht, Holland.
A wonderful and memorable evening was shared and many new friends made”

Lodge Virtual Events During Lockdown 2020
Athol Lodge have a virtual meeting every Wednesday evening which is a general chat and making sure everyone is Ok.
Lodge Virtual Quiz Nights
Here’s the screenshot of the participants in last nights Athol Lodge Quiz Night – 22nd May 2020.
We had a great time, loads of fun and banter in between doing quiz questions, scavenger hunt and identifying objects from very close up photos. We also invoked points deductions for “lockdown haircuts”, anybody with a beard and invoked virtual demotions/promotions of officers within the lodge if their quiz questions were too hard!! We all picked up on the point of keeping in touch, especially with those having already been in isolation/shielding now for many weeks and that such evenings go some way to giving people social inclusion, hope and relief!
Therefore even though we have a break in our Masonic meetings we have decided to keep up these evening events every other Friday and all are free to join and can contact myself at

We held a smashing inaugural Athol 74 Quiz night on Saturday 9th May.
Our WM WBro Tony Wright (top centre of picture below) arranged it on Zoom.
The eventual winners being:-
My wife and I (top left).
Testing questions ranged from:-
Lyrics to Identify the song, from Mrs Claire Wright.
Current Affairs from Mrs Teresa and John Biddell PM.
Geography from Mrs Leslie and Mike Powers JD.
General Knowledge from Mrs Bernice Field
Random Questions from Mrs Jacqueline Askey and myself.
We will be holding another Zoom social event In two weeks time aside from our weekly Wednesday call with the Brethren on Masonic matters.

Athol Lodges first Virtual Informal Night
Brethren All
A good number of us and visitors joined in the call from our Worshipful Master to attend Athol Lodges first Virtual Informal Night tonight!
We enjoyed a very enjoyable two hours together which included:-
– Three quiz rounds, won by WBro Richard & Jenny Mainwaring;
– Grace from Bro Bob Priest;
– Ladies Song with WBros Richard Mainwaring on keyboards, John Biddell, Andrew Atton and Ray Edwards on vocals!
– Toast to Absent Brethren WBro Andrew Atton;
– Call for Charity WBro John Harris;
– Toast to WM WBro Les Leek;
– Toast to the Ladies by the WM;
– Toast to the visitors by Bro Mike Powers;
– Competition for the Best Hat, won by Mrs Jenny Mainwaring;
– Competition for the strangest drinking vessel, everybody won that one!
– Loads of great banter which, on the whole, lifted everybody’s spirits No end!!
Thanks to all who contributed to a night never to be forgotten!
Below is a screen shot of the assembly